The project
Informed by key findings from a study about older Asian migrants’ digital media use throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, a team from the University of Melbourne has launched a project that co-creates digital COVIDSafe Content with older Chinese, Sri Lankan and Indonesian migrants. The project team led by Dr. Wilfred Yang Wang uses the concept of ‘digital co-creation to create culturally appropriate and accessible health information in the formats of short videos, a photo competition, and a virtual gallery.
By participating in the conceptual design, production, and distribution of videos about COVID Safe messages, participants were able to choose the appropriate communication format and cultural expressions to share their stories and speak about their concerns and perspectives of living through the COVID-19 pandemic.
The photo competition and virtual gallery have also allowed older Asians to build confidence and be proud of their creative talents in digital communication and literacy. The competition and gallery also allow the public to have a greater awareness of the stories and experiences of older Asian migrants.
MiCare’s Social Support Clients have also participated in this photo competition.
Here is the link to the virtual photo gallery: Virtual Photo Gallery