Make a contribution

MiCare is a registered charity and all donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.


Your donation is put to great use. The level of care we insist on providing for our resident Elders and for newly arrived migrants, refugees, and others in need is expensive and ongoing. Money raised by MiCare is used to improve current facilities or make capital purchases. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.


A bequest is a gift made through a Will, testamentary trust, or a codicil to a Will or trust. Bequests may include cash, marketable securities, closely held stock, real estate, or other personal property.

Through your Will, you may leave a Bequest to MiCare.

We greatly appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness of those leaving bequests of any size. It allows us to continue being a leader in the industry by providing ethnic-specific care for elderly people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds living in Australia. Our services include, among others, community aged care packages, friendly visiting, planned activity groups, and telling social contact for Elders living at home. Bequests also allow us to keep providing all Elders in our residential homes with the highest quality care.


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Tom McCabe Fund for Refugee Youth

Established in 2005, this fund assists refugee youth with educational, recreational, sporting and cultural needs.

The Tom McCabe Fund highlights the connectedness and shared humanity embodied in Australian multiculturalism and is typical of the work undertaken by MiCare at a grassroots community level.

The Tom McCabe Fund for Refugee Youth assists refugee young people who migrate to Australia under the humanitarian program. These young people and their families have been forced to flee their homeland due to war, famine and other long-term tragic circumstances. Most have spent many years in a refugee camp and have had disrupted education

The fund assists those families who are unable to support their children with educational, recreational, sporting or cultural expenses. Assistance goes towards buying items such as school uniforms, textbooks or sporting, cultural and recreational needs like joining a local sporting club or attending a camp.

All funds raised are deposited directly into the fund; MiCare/New Hope Foundation does not retain or divert any money raised for administrative or other costs associated with running MiCare/New Hope Foundation.

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

Background to the Tom McCabe Fund for Refugee Youth

TOM McCABE  31.10.85 – 27.03.05

Tom was a funny, gentle and respected 19 year old who had studied his VCE by distance education at DECV Thornbury while living in Hong Kong with his mother. With all of the distractions of that city, he passed at the end of last year (2004) and had commenced a Bachelor of Business (Event Management) in Melbourne this year. He was very excited about his course as he loved music and was looking forward to a career in the event management industry either here or in his beloved Hong Kong.

Before Easter, we heard an interview in Melbourne on 774 about a refugee family from Liberia who had just arrived in Australia after waiting for 14 years in a refugee camp in Guinea. We talked about it and about our relative prosperity. We could not imagine what this mother had been through with her children. The family had arrived in Australia in January 2005 and settled into their new home when suddenly the mother died and left 19 year old Joseph to support his siblings. Touched by this story, Tom decided to donate his Playstation and some other big boy items while I had bedding and kitchen things which would be useful.

Then Tom was accidentally killed by a vehicle on Easter Sunday.

I kept my promise to support Joseph. When I met Joseph and his family, this time I was able to give him many more items which had been donated since Tom’s death, more of Tom’s treasured things and a sum of money collected at Tom’s “Celebration” to start up a savings account for them. ELTHAM College of Education in Research are also actively assisting Joseph’s family and the New Hope Foundation with education support and mentoring.

The New Hope Foundation has put in place the Tom McCabe Fund for Refugee Youth which is to assist with education and recreation needs. I urge readers to support this fund in whatever way they can.

Carol McCabe

(Mother of Tom)


I would like to thank you and MiCare for giving me this opportunity to have a laptop to study the IT program as I will start the course soon. The course will be two days in the class face to face and two days online so it helps me saving time to study at home instead of going to the library.

~ Hanan khorsheed

Migrant Services

“Your activism inspires me to not just participate in activism but to be an activist in my own community and support women to live in a world free from violence”

~Liliane, Community leader for Burundian Cultural Ladies of Victoria. Participated in MFVCovid 19 project 2021


Avondrust Lodge

The new friends I have made, in both Elders and staff, has made it easier for me in my new home. The staff are such beautiful people; I feel very lucky.

~Elder Maria P, Avondrust Lodge- Carrum Downs

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