MiCare was invited by Workforce Australia to participate in a Care & Support showcase on Tuesday 17th September; a forum designed to enlighten those who may not have considered a career pathway in homecare, residential care and childcare. The showcase was comprised of two components – an information session with three industry experts (including a presentation about employability skills from MiCare’s Education Coordinator – Warren Brewer) and associated Q&A followed by series of “speed Interviews” with ten aged care & childcare providers.
Annabel Ang & Melita Viriginie (HR) conducted over 30, five minutes interviews with prospective employees or those looking to pathway into care roles – with many candidates meriting a potential second round interview in a more formal setting. This was an innovative approach to recruitment envisioned by Workforce Australia connecting jobseekers to employers who may not have pursued traditional means of recruitment.
The event was an overwhelming success – with over 129 jobseekers or career changers from the City of Casey and surrounds in attendance, some of which may be potential colleagues at MiCare!